Blog plan for 2020

I have made a habit of writing a post on the subject of blogging in general rather than javaScript, and javaScript related topics at the start of a new year. So this will be a yet another blog plan post for the year of 2020. No buddy really seams to read these, but thats okay its more for my sake anyway because it is important for me to know where this site is going, and what the next move should be as I continue going forward with this.

A course change of sorts is needed here, and after giving this some thought I have come to the conclusion that I need to focus more on just one or two general topics rather than trying to gain ground everywhere. My best preforming content seems to be on lodash and functional programing, but much of the content is thin, and desires more attention so that should be one topic at least for that reason. The other topic should be something fun, original, and interesting that might help to improve retention, so that people have a reason to stick around.

I also want to focus on something fun to help me keep from seeing this as a job with a very poor return on investment more often than not. So I think I should work on canvas projects, games, and things I find fun and interesting to at least some extent. Doing so is a good idea for the sake of keeping myself happy rather than just going in whatever dirrection the money might be regardless if I like it or not.

1 - Main blog plan focus for 2020

In this section I will me outlining the main topics that come to mind when it comes to what I want to focus on this year. Simmply put there is fidning a balence between what is fun, and focusing on other things that might prove to be not so fun, but hopfully useful in some way.

1.1 - Have a blog plan focus on something fun so I do not end up hating what I have come to enjoy.

I have been fiddling with javaScript for well over ten years now, and I think that it is long past time to start and maintain some kind of long term project outside of this blog, and the simple code examples that I make for each post. The long term project should be something where the intention is more in line with doing something that is fun, original, and novel rather than just doing something purely for the sake of gaining traffic or money.

In recent days I have been writing more content on canvas, and threejs. These collections of content are not pulling in a lot of traffic compared to other collections, but they are topics that I find to be fun. So I should start or at least expand these posts, and create another long term project that will center around this.

1.2 - Focus on lodash and functional programing topics for the sake of focusing on what is actually working for me.

There is writing about what I am all ready passionate about, and then there is writing about something that will bing my site real traffic, and then become passionate about it as a result of that. For me it would appear that topic is lodash, and at a deeper level functional programming.

I have been neglecting my content on lodash which is something that I aim to stop this year. Lodash and functional programing topics should actually take the highest priority actually. Many of the posts ob lodash on this site are pulling in large volumes of traffic, and the content should be of higher quality.


Having a good blog plan is still something the I lake for this site, and for bloging, writing, and working on personal projects in general. It is something that I keep putting off, but I just know that I am suffering because of it. As the year goes on maybe I will get around to updating this post a few times, as the plan for this year evolves.