Using a Canvas element as a Texture in three.js

There are many situations in which I will want to have a texture to work with when it comes to working with materials in threejs. That is that when it comes to the various kinds of maps there are to work with in a material, such as diffuse maps, alpha maps, emissive maps, and so forth, one way or another I need to load or create a texture. One way to add a texture to a material would be to use the built in texture loader in the core of the threejs library, if I have some other preferred way to go about loading external images I can also use the THREE.Texture constructor directly to create a texture object from an Image object. However there is also the question of how to go about generating textures using a little javaScript code, and one way to go about creating a texture this way would be with a canvas element, the 2d drawing context of such a canvas element, and the THREE.CanvasTexture constructor

There is a whole lot of ground to cover when it comes to getting into this sort of thing if you do not have much experience working with canvas elements yet. The process of creating a texture with a canvas element is simple enough when it comes to the fact that I just need to pass the canvas element to a constructor function and the desired texture object is returned. However there are a whole bunch of other topics that branch off from this that have to do with canvas elements in detail, as well as other closely related threejs topics such as the uv attributes of buffer geometry instances that are used in conjunction with one or more materials. In this post I am mainly just going to be writing about using the built in constructors to create a texture with a canvas element. I might not get into detail about the 2d drawing context, but of course I will have to touch base on it to say the least.

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Adding a Fog effect to a threejs project

Adding fog to a Scene object in threejs generally means just creating an instance of THREE.Fog or THREE.ForExp2, and setting that to the fog property of a scene object. However there are still a few basic things that a developer should be aware of when it comes to adding fog, such as the fact that one can not just use any material for example. There are also other basic getting started type things that come up such as making sure that the background color of a scene should be same color used for the color of the fog.

A Fog is a nice effect to have for most projects as it allows for a more graceful transition from rendering something that is within range of a render distance, to no longer rendering when an object is to far from the camera. Even if I have the far value of the camera set to a high value so that the object is just a single pixel before it is no longer rendered, it can still be a nice additional effect on top of the object just simply getting smaller.

In this post then, I will be going over a basic example of fog in a three.js project, and after that I will be getting into at least a few more examples also while I am at it. What I am at it I will also be touching base on a few other three.js rated topics such as the nature of the mesh standard material which is one option when it comes to using a material that will work with fog. There is also writing at least a thing or two about the subject of color, and not just setting the fog color but the background color as well.

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Vector3 in three.js for points in space

In Vector space a Vector can be used to represent position, but they are usually described as having a magnitude and direction component. In threejs the Vector3 class is a class that is used to create an instance of a Vector that has three values, x, y, and z. This Vector3 object is then a major class of interest then when it comes to working with all kinds of various other classes, methods, and features of threejs.

One major feature of interest in the Object3d base class is the position property of that kind of object. The position property stores an instance of Vector3, and that instance can be used to set the position of anything that is based off of Object3d like a Mesh, Camera, Group, or a whole Scene object actually for that matter.

Although an instance of Vector3 can very much be used to set a position of something it can also very much be used to set the direction of something also. This is where things might be a little confusing because when it comes to setting the orientation of something based off of Object3d there is the rotation property. This rotation property is not an instance of Vector3, but an Instance of the Euler class. This Euler class is similar to that of Vector3, but the values given are in radians, and is then a more appropriate way of setting orientation of an object by rotating on the x, y, and z axis by given angles in the from of radian values. However there is also the concept of a unit vector that would be in the form of a normalized instance of Vector3 oddly enough. So then Vector3 can be used to set position, but it can also be used as a way to set orientation in the from of a direction using values between 0 and 1 for each axis.

This post is then about the Vector3 constructor that is a useful class for various things in a threejs project. A 3d Vector3 Instance is useful for plotting a single point in 3d space, but these values can also be in the range of numbers between 0 and 1 which can then be raised by a multiplier, and in some ways can be translated to angles and directions that have to do with the rotation of an object rather than its position. There are all kinds of use cases that will come up here and there for Vector3 such as finding Euclidean distance via the length method of the Vector3 instance, which is the distance from the vector to the origin for example.

This will be a fairly lengthy post then as there is a lot of ground to cover with this one. There is not just aspects of the class itself, but how it can be applied when it comes to everything else there is to work with in threejs that is related to the use of Vector3.

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Making custom geometry in three.js

In threejs there are ways of importing geometry from an external source that was created with a 3d modeling program like blender. However what if I want to make a geometry by way of some javaScript code, rather than external json data, or by loading a DAE file? This is where the Geometry constructor comes into play, or at least it did before version r125 of threejs when it was removed.

When I first wrote this post back in 2018 I was using threejs version r91 which had two constructor options for creating a custom geometry. One was the Buffered Geometry constructor, and the other was the Geometry constructor to which this blog post is about. So because this post is on the plain Geometry constructor that is now deprecated as r125+ of threejs, it would be best these days to look into my post on the Buffer Geometry constructor at this time. I do poke my head in here now and then to do a little editing, and clean up and expand code, but I do so using a revision of threejs that is now fairly out of date.

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Orbit controls for threejs from the project itself

It would not be that hard to implement some camera controls for a three.js project from scratch, it would just involve some event handlers that would be used to set the position and rotation of the camera using some Object3D class methods. However there is some additional resources in the three.js project repository itself that can be used to quickly set some orbit controls in a flash which can be found in the examples folder of the repository. In this post I will be covering how to quickly set up these orbit controls for the camera, so you do not have to keep changing hard coded values, or spend a great deal of time working on your own solution to just look around a scene this way.

The Orbit Controls solution that can be found in the threejs examples folder in the github repo of the project can be used to quickly set up a solution for panning, zooming, and changing the orientation of a camera with the mouse, keyboard, and touch events. So then these source code examples will need threejs, as well as OrbitControls.js on top of the additional code that I am going over in this post.

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