Arrays of materials, and material index values in threejs

When working with a Mesh Object in threejs a single instance of a material can be passed to the mesh constructor as the second argument, after the geometry. This is fine if I am okay with every face in the geometry being skinned with the same material, otherwise I might want to do something else. Often just the use of one material is fine as the state of the uv attribute of the buffered geometry instance is in a state in which it will work well with the textures that I am using with one or more of the material map options. However another option might be to not have just one material, but an array of materials and then have a way to set what the material index value is for each face in the geometry. Also an array of materials might need to be used in conjugation with uv mapping as well as I might want some surfaces to be effected by one material, while using another for the rest.

When working with an array of materials there is a property of a face3 instance in the geometry of the mesh that is of interest when setting the material index property of the faces, or at least that was the case with the old Geometry Constructor that was removed in r125 of threejs. So then there is how to go about setting material index values with an instance of the Buffered Geometry constructor that is still part of the core of the three.js library in late versions of threejs. In this post then I will be touching base on this topic of working with an array of materials in a threejs project then, rather than alternatives to doing so such as uv mapping, or having groups of objects which would be yet another option for this sort of thing.

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The Points material as well as creating Points from Vector3 arrays in three.js

The use of the Vector3 class instances in threejs is a major part of the process of doing much of anything in threejs. There is not just the geometry used with a material to compose a mesh object when it comes to vectors, the position property in the Object3d class is an instance of Vector3. This position property is used to set the position of mesh objects, cameras, and a whole lot of other objects.

However what if I just want to work with a collection of vectors, and have some kind of way of just displaying some points in space rather than lines, or a solid object. Maybe there is a few ways of going about doing that actually such as just observing the position property of a mesh as a point in space, and just using built in geometry constructors for the mesh such as the Sphere geometry constructor to just serve as some geometry to surround this point of interest. When I think about it for a moment maybe that kind of approach would be a good idea actually, however it would eat up a lot of overhead when it comes to real time performance. However another option would be to the Points Constructor that can be used with the Special Points Material that is put in place just for this purpose of just drawing some points in space.

In this post I will of course be going over a few examples of the Points Constructor, but I will also be going over some other examples of this sort of thing involving collections of points in space as well. The main focus will be the points material of course, but there are a whole lot of other things that I will need to write about also in the process of doing so while I am at it.

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The Face3 constructor in three.js

The Face3 constructor has been removed in three.js as of revision 126. Before that change the Face3 Constructor was used to define a Face when making a custom geometry with the Geometry Constructor which has also been removed as of revision 125. It might still be possible to get the old geometry constructor working on new versions of threejs, but it would be best to make custom geometries with the Buffered Geometry constructor when it comes to making use of late versions of threejs.

When using any kind of built in geometry, instances of Face3 are created automatically, or at least they where, and still are if you are using an older version of threejs. So whenever making a custom geometry from code, or trying to figure out some problems that may exist with how faces are being rendered it is necessary to understand a few things about Face3 when using the old Geometry Constructor. One of the main properties of interest with an instance of Face3 is the material index property, this comes into play when it comes to working with an array of materials, rather than just a single material when using a geometry with a Mesh Object.

In new versions of threejs it is now the groups array of a geometry that would seem to be where these kinds of objects are now, and the use of the add group method is how to create them. This is still an old post on the face3 constructor, but when it comes to this edit, as well as many future edits this is what I am gong to start to write about at the top of the post, and start to push the older face3 stuff to the bottom of this content piece.

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The basic material options in threejs

In threejs the basic material is the default material that is used when creating a mesh object if a material is not specified as the second argument after giving the geometry to use. It is still a decent material if I want to just skin a mesh with a texture, and do not want to do anything special involving the reflection of light. There are also some other use cases that will work okay with the basic material such as using vertex colors with a geometry.

Still the basic material supports a few options when it comes to texture maps, there is the basic color map, but there is are a few more options such as an alpha map for example. Still there are even more options when it comes to texture maps with other materials that will respond to light sources such as the standard material which I have found to be my usual go to material.

So today I thought I would continue expanding my collection of posts on threejs by writing a post on the basic material, and what it has to offer when making a threejs project. This will involve a few simple hello world type examples, but I will also need to get into at least a few examples that involve the use of textures.

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Mesh objects in three.js, position, rotate, scale, skin, ect

A mesh object in threejs is used to create an object with a buffer geometry, and a material such as the mesh basic material. This resulting mesh object can then be added as a child of a main scene object, or any other Object3d class based object.Then the scene object can be used along with a camera to render a view of the scene which will include one or more of these mesh objects. There are a number of other options for having somehting to look at in a scene, such as Points, Lines, and LineSegments. However for the most part it is mesh objects that one will want to create and add to a scene to create some kind of project with threejs.

The Mesh Constructor is one of many constructor functions that I find myself using often as I get into making threejs projects. What is great about mesh objects is that they are one of many objects in threejs that have the Object3d class as a base class. So then when it comes to something like learning how to use the position property of a mesh object, what one is really learning about is an object3d class feature. Knowledge of this object3d class feature can then also be applied to cameras, groups, and anything else in threejs that is based off of the object3d class. Still there are some things that are just a part of mesh objects alone, mainly the buffer geometry and material properties of such objects.

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