Blog post plan for 2019

I have been writing blog posts for a while now on this site, and every now and then I think about what I should be doing when it comes to my writing process. I have a few posts that are doing well, and a whole bunch that are not so there is a need to improve my strategy. In addition it is the begging of a new year, so all the more reason to take a moment to consider what I am doing, and more importantly what I can do to improve. So I thought I would start a new year with a new post on a topic that I do not touch on often here when it comes to the subject of bogging in general, rather than javaScript related content.

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document title property is client side javaScript for getting and setting the title tag

When working on updating the theme for my site one of the many things I think about are my title tags. For many reasons they are one of the most important tags in an html document, and not just from a search engine perspective. Title tags are useful for informing visitors about what a page is about, or what is currently going on with a page when it comes to a web application. That is because the title tag can be this fixed static thing that is just some text, but it can also be mutated with some javaScript code also to display something that will change.

The title tag is often what will be displayed in a link to the page in a search engine result page, so it is important to think in terms of the actually written content of the title tag. It also goes without saying that the title tag is a great resource to inform a user to something that is going on when it is not just a static page we are talking about, but a single page application of some kind. If it is a messaging app of some kind the title tag can be used to inform a user that they have a new message even when the tag is inactive. If it is a game that has money as a resource that value can be displayed in the title tag for example also.

In this post I will be taking a moment to play around a little with the document.title property of the document object in client side javaScript. This property can be used to both get and set the title text of an html document. There is also maybe a little more to cover when it comes to using the title property with a few other javaScript features such as setTimeout. Otherwise there is not much to write about if one just wants to set the text of a title element of a page with javaScript.

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Get by id with document.getElementById and other ways to gain references to elements in javaScript

With front end javaScript it is important to know how to create one or more references to HTML elements such as divs, canvas elements, and so forth. That is because much of front end javaScript development has to do with interacting with element objects that represent an element in an HTML document, such as creating and appending more elements them, attaching events, and working with element specific methods that have to do with the nature of the type of element. So creating a reference to an HTML element is what is typically needed as a first step before anything else can be done with such an element reference, to do that you need to have something unique about the element, and a way to use that to get a reference to it.

One way to go about getting a reference to an element is by way of an elements id attribute. The typical way to go about getting a reference to an element by way of an id attribute would be to use the document.getElementById method of the document object. There are other ways of getting a reference to an element by id, and of course many other ways to get references to elements by other aspects of an element, but this is one of the more tired yet true ways to do so that have been around for a great while now.

One nice thing about the get by id method in javaScript is that it has great backward compatibility as it will work in really old browsers as old as IE 5.5 even which these days is of course a dinosaur of a browser. However in addition it is possible to get a reference to an element by other means when it comes to what is available in modern browsers, and they are of course worth mentioning also. So in this post I will be covering some methods and examples of how to go about grabbing references to HTML elements in client side javaScript by way of an id, and other ways when it comes to the many other options for getting a reference to one or more elements in a client side javaScript environment.

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Math log javaScript

In some situations the Math.log method will need to be used to resolve certain problems that call for the use of such a method. This Math.log method of the main javaScript Math object will return the Natural_logarithm of the number that is given to it as the first argument.

It is possible that you have all ready come across the method when it comes to taking advantage of the many copy and paste javaScript solutions that exist on stack overflow and random sites such as this. However for whatever the reason maybe you wish to know more about it, and at least a few examples of its use so lets take a deeper look at Math.log today.

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Object keys in javaScript and getting arrays of key names

In javaScript Object keys are the property names of an object that correspond with a value that can be a primitive, or another nested object of one kind or another such as a function, Date object, or plain old Object.

There are a few things to know about object keys such as how to get an array of public key names from a given object, and how to create and get hidden key names. In addition there is also how to work with inherited keys when it comes to the nature of the prototype object of a class of objects. Still when it comes to taking one thing at a time, there is just knowing how to get a list of pubic key names for an object itself, and not any additional keys that are hidden, or inherited. With that said one way to go about getting just that basic public key list would be the Object.keys static method.

So then in this post I will be writing about the basics of javaScript object keys, and also maybe some of the not so basic things to know about with object keys in general when working on a project. This includes the Object.keys static Object method, which this post will mainly be about. However there are some related topics that I should at least touch base on also with other object methods like Object.getOwnPropertyNames that I will be getting to when it comes to getting both public and hidden key names of an object.

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