Long division and javaScript
So then Long division is one of those things that as an adult I might end up forgetting how to do, as it is something that I can not say I do on a regular basis. However of course it is not so hard to get back up to speed with it again, as it is elementary school level math after all. A quick Google search and a few minutes of research is all I need then to re educate myself on how to do it.
However these days knowing how to do long division with paper and pencil is not going to help me get much of anywhere today. The situation has changed over the years to a situation in which it is more important to know how to go about teaching a computer how to preform long division. Or at least that is the case when it comes to writing some kind of module where doing so is called for, even then it would often be better to just use such a module that has been development before hand and move on to something else. However this sort of thing might still be worth while purely for the sake of having some kind of programing exercise. With that said often coming up with a javaScript solution to replicate the process of long division is not so elementary. Solutions for doing so can often work okay, but might not work out as well as I might like in some situations.
The main reason why I might take the time to look into solutions for long division is because I am working on some kind of project where I am running into problems with respect to the limits of javaScript numbers. Thankfully there is now native BigInt support in core javaScript by itself, and there is also the Big-Integer user space library that can be used as a poly fill for that. So in most cases I would want to just make use of that and move on with my project in that case. However when it comes to becoming a better programmer just copying and pasting code without taking the time to look into it deeper does not help with that does it.