Box Geometry in Threejs

In threejs the Box Geometry Constructor is one of many options for quickly creating a geometry for a project. To create a geometry this way I just need to call the THREE.BoxGeometry constructor function with the new keyword, and pass some arguments for the dimensions of the box area that I want. While I am at it I can also pass some additional arguments that have to do with how many additional sections the box should have to make it more dense. The returned result can then be stored to a variable, or directly passed as the geometry for a mesh object, or anything else that calls for a geometry.

Starting out with this built in geometry constructor function is simple enough, but then there is getting into how to go about skinning a cube with textures, and how to go about having one texture on just one side, and other on an other side. So then there is looking into how to go about using the group property of buffer geometry, and or the uv attribute when it comes to this. With that said looking into the box geometry in depth is a good way to lean more about more advanced topics with geometry in general when it comes to the various features of a buffer geometry instance.

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Simple house model example in threejs

This will be another threejs example type post, this time it will be about making yet another simple model of something, just using threejs itself rather than making and loading an external file of some kind. This time I am thinking I will like to make a crude yet effective house model. I do not care to make anything that complex with this one, just a very simple, basic house like model that might end up being part of a larger scene of some kind in one or more future projects.

This time it will be yet another one of my models that is just a group collection of mesh objects using the built in threejs geometry constructors rather than an external file of one type or another such as the Collada file standard. However there will be one little part in which I am making a custom geometry as well.

My general idea that I have in mind is that if I make enough of these kinds of models I can use them to make an over all larger scene that will include a house model like this, along with some trees, cars, people and other similar objects that can then be used to make some kind of crude animation.

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The Buffer Geometry Constructor in threejs

The basic example of a buffer Geometry in the three.js documentation works okay as a starting point, but it does not cover every little detail when it comes to what I should be aware of when making a custom geometry. There is not just creating the positions attribute of a geometry, but also the normal, and uv attributes for a geometry as well that are also of importance when it comes to using custom geometries with various materials that use textures and respond to light sources. There are also a whole bunch of other details such as working out an array of groups, and material index values.

So in this post I will be going over the basic examples that I have worked out thus far when it comes to just working with some very simple starting points with a custom geometry using the buffer geometry constructor rather than the plain old geometry constructor. Also in this post I will be going over some examples that are just examples of the various prototype methods and features that one should know about when it comes to working with buffer geometry in general, regardless of what it was made.

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Transparent Materials in threejs

In threejs there are a few things to know about when it comes to making transparent materials, so I think it is called for to write a post on the topic. When it comes to working with just the Basic material for example the process is not that hard at all actually. When creating the basic material I just need to set the transparent property of the material to true. Once I have the transparency property value of a basic material set to true, it is then just a matter of setting the desired opacity value for the material.

However there is a great deal more to write about when it comes to transparency in threejs. One example of an advanced topic with this sort of thing might be adding what is called an alpha map for the material. When doing so there is not just working out the texture, but in some cases I might also need to address things with the uv attribute of the buffer geometry as well.

Also things can get a little involved when we start bringing light sources into the mix with materials like the Phong and standard materials, and how that should be handled. So in this post I will be covering the very basics of getting started with transparency when working with materials in threejs, but I will also have to touch base on a few more things beyond that.

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Basic Framework threejs example

This will be yet another threejs post that will be a project example of threejs, rater than a post in with i write about just a single feature of the core of the library. This time though I am thinking more in terms of a framework rater than a full project example. So in this post I think I should start out with at least a few examples that are basic starting points for some kind of framework where I am building on top of threejs.

When making one threejs demo after another I have found that there are patterns that I keep repeating over and over again when it comes to setting up a basic scene. There is typically always setting up a scene object, creating an instance of a perspective camera, and of course a renderer to draw the scene from the perspective of the camera to a canvas element. On top of that I often have some kind of main application loop in which I am updating the state of a scene, and rendering that scene over and over again. Sense there is so much going on and I keep repeating it over and over again it would make sense to create something in which I am creating abstractions for all of this. Once I have that set up the way I like it I can just link to one more additional external files beyond that of just three.js, and write less code when it comes to making a new project.

For now I am not interesting in doing anything to involved when it comes to making some kind of framework or library built on top of threejs. What I want is a way to just have things like an application loop, and some mash creation type stuff abstracted away into an external file that I can then link to and then just add a few things that have to do with a specific code example. This way I can have just a single main.js file where I just call a main create method of this framework, and pass an options object with a few methods and proprieties as a way to make a quick simple looping animation.

There is a wide range of different ways that I could go when it comes to this sort of thing. However as far as this post is concerned I am just going to stick with a general exercise, rather than something that is specific for games, stochastic or deterministic animations, or some other general use case of threejs.

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