File Space usage with Linux du command

The Linux du command can be used to get an idea of what is going on with file space usage from the command line. This command is then similar to that of the df command only it world seem that it is more geared for getting a breakdown on how much one or more files use rather than what the state of a whole file system is. With the use of the proper options it might be possible to get similar results in some cases, but not with others. In any case in this post I will be writing more so about what the Linux du command is about rather than df. However I am sure that there will be a bot of overlap here and there.

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Linux aplay command and ALSA

The Linux aplay command of ALSA is pretty cool as it can be used as a tool to play any kind of raw data as sound. This data can be piped into the standard input of the aplay command, or a file can be passed as a positional argument. Any kind of data can be used as sample data, but to really start using aplay by one way or another it would be best to fine ways to generate sample data.

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Extrude Geometry in threejs

The THREE.ExtrudeGeometry class in threejs is one of the built in geometry classes that can be used to create a buffer geometry from a THREE.Shape object. The other built in option to create a geometry form a shape is the THREE.ShapeGeometry class that is just a simple plain of the 2d shape.

Getting started with this feature of threejs is easy enough when it comes to just creating a simple shape object and passing that as the first argument and just going with that. However there is a whole lot more beyond just that of course and just like everything else in threejs this can quickly turn into a major time and energy sucking black hole if one allows it to turn into that. This might prove to be the case with far more advanced topics that branch off from Extrude geometry when it comes to the topic of the custom UV generator option of the geometry constructor for example.

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The Vector2 class for 2D curves, mouse pointers, ect

There are a number of Vector classes in threejs such as Vector3 that is a class for a 3D vector in space which is to be expected for such a library. However there is also a Vector4 class that comes up when starting to work with quaternion objects, and also a plain old Vector2 class as well. With that said in this post I am going to be writing a thing or two about the Vector2 class, and some typical situations in which this kind of class can prove to be useful.

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Linux dd command and files

The man page for the Linux dd command just simply says that it is used to convert and copy files. In a nutshell that is more or less all that it does, but it seems that it comes up all the time when working out something in the command prompt. Also it is a command that I have found that I want to use with a degree of caution. The reason why is because if I get careless with it I can end up doing weird things to the file system. Still there is how to go about getting started with the dd command in a safe way by just learning how to use it in a safe way. There is just reading the man pages, various blogs, and other sources to know what to do, and what to avoid. As for this post I just wanted to have a place to park some notes on this command while I look into this one more.

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