The Matheral Loader in threejs
There are a number of loaders built into the core of threejs that extend from the common base loader class, one such option is the materials loader which will be the main theme of this post. There might be a situation or two in which I might want to use the material loader in conjunction with the texture loader, and buffer geometry loader, then create the final scene object with all of these assets. However I have found that I might prefer to go with the Object Loader as a way to bake everything into a single JSON file format and just start creating assets that way.
There is also of course starting to look into the long list of options when it comes to the additional loaders there are to work with in the JSM folder of the examples folder of the threejs Github Repository. There is also the js folder of the examples folder if you are using r147 or older, but getting into all of that is a whole other matter. The main point here I think is to maybe start by looking into what there is to work with that is baked into the core of the threejs library itself first. In some cases it might be possible to just go with these standards and then move on with ones life, and with that said this post will center on the use of one of these options for materials at least.