Using fs-extra as a drop in replacement for the built in node.js file system module

For the most part the built in node.js file system module works just fine by itself. However it can be a bit lacking. As such I find myself adding in projects like mkdirp, and rimraf to pring about functionality that I often think should be a part of the module. Also as of node 8.x it would seem that many of the methods do not return promises as an alterative to using callbacks, becuase of that I often find myself wrting methods, or using some kind of project like bluebird to promisify the methods in the fs module.

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Using hexo helpers to inject html in a theme

Hexo helpers are one of many extensions in hexo that allow for the extension of functionality in hexo. There are extensions for generating files, adding html from markdown files with tags, and a wide range of other options when making a script or plug-in for hexo. However in this post I will be focusing on useing helpers that are used when making a theme for hexo.

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Getting started with Hexo Plug-ins, and scripts

These days I am interested in ether making my own static site generator from the ground up, or just making plug-ins for one that all ready exists such as hexo. I might work on making one just for the sake of having a long term pet project to work on, but for now I am leaning more in the direction of making plug-ins for one that all ready exists before hand, and I might as well make it the one that I am using to begin with.

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My plain and resolutions for 2018, for this blog, my pet projects, and more.

It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, and it’s a new year. So maybe it is called for to start this new year with a post in which I will outline what it is that I aim to achieve this year. There is much I want to get done with this blog, pet projects, and a few other things outside of the main subject matter of this blog. Lots of people set new years resolutions, pursue them for a little while, and then give up. Maybe that is because many resolutions require a substantial change in lifestyle that is not always easy to achieve, or maybe they just don’t write it down. In any case I thought I would draft out what it is that I want to get done this year, and see how things go.

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