The fs.createWriteStream method

In node.js streams come up often, even with the most simple of examples will typically involve logging something to the standard output which is a kind of stream. In this post I will be writing about the fs.createWriteStream method in the node.js built in file system module, and why that is often a better choice for writing to a file compared to other options in that module.

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Using streams with the request npm package.

So for yet another post on node.js and the many useful packages that can be installed via npm I thought I would write another post on the npm package request, that is a popular http client for scripting http. Although I think this time around I will be focusing on streams. Out of the box request only gives to ways to work with incoming data, callback methods, and streams. Promise support can be added, but that is off topic for this post.

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Phaser Buttons

This post is on buttons in phaser 2 that javaScript powered game framework for making web based games. In phaser there is a special type of display object called a button, that is very mush like a sprite in many ways, but is geared towards the role of a button. Sprite sheets are handled a little differently, there is not just one frame index, but four indexes to set one for each button state (hover,out,down, and up). Input is enabled be default, and there are also a call back, and a context to set for it. In this post I will be covering buttons, and will also be putting together a basic clicker type game. These buttons are a great way to quickly implement a button compared to using just a plain old sprite, so lets take a look at buttons in phaser.

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Pseudo full screen in phaser using that scale manager

Toggling full screen when making a phaser project can end up becoming a bit of a rabbit hole, at least that has been my experience with it. Never the less, I think I have worked out some solutions that seem to work okay. With the phaser Scale manager it is possible to make a request to set actual full screen mode in the browser, and with some browsers this works fine without any problems. However on some browsers it will not work, so there might be a desire of a back up plan, one that involves just simply scaling up the game to the full size of the browser window. Doing so with phaser is a little involved, but in the post I will be writing about toggling a kind of pseudo full screen mode in phaser.

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