Nesting groups in groups in phaser

For the past few days I have been experimenting with Groups in Phaser ce. Today I worked out some examples that have to do with nesting groups. In other words a group is also a kind of display object, just like that of a Sprite, so another group can be added to a group, along with other display objects. So in this post I will be covering some examples of nesting groups inside of groups, from simple hello world examples, to some that are starting to resemble a game.

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Removing sprites from a Group in phaser

Today in this post on Phaser ce I will be writing about removing Sprites, and other display objects from a group. There is of course the Group.remove method, but by default it will not destroy the sprite. In some cases this is desirable if I want to move the sprite from one Group to another, or just remove it from a group in place it directly in the world. However it other projects, where Sprites are something that are created and destroyed on demand, then it is important to know about the few little pitfalls when it comes to removing sprites from a group in phaser.

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Getting sprites, and other objects by name in phaser with world.getByName

So when making a Phaser ce project I end up with a lot of sprites, and other display objects. As such there needs to be a way to obtain a reference to a single specific display object by some kind of id, or name. That is to grab at display objects in phaser in a similar fashion to that of id attributes when it comes to html elements with document.getElementById. After playing around with phaser for a while I came across just such a method called This post will be a quick overview of this method, as a way to grab references to display objects across the different methods of a state object in phaser, and why is the document.getElementById of phaser ce.

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Getting started with Groups of Sprites in phaser

So in many games you end up with one or more collections or groups of sprites. In this case there is a need for all kinds of methods that help with managing that group of display objects. In todays post I will be writing about groups in Phaser ce. There are many methods, and properties with groups, so this will be just a simple getting started post on groups for now.

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Find the count of cpu cores in a node.js environment with os.cpus

As I continue to log time working with node.js I start to get into things that are a little advanced such as clustering. When making a node.js project that will spawn additional instances of itself to help make some heavy lifting go faster, there is a need to know how many processors there are on the system that node is running. In this post I will be quickly writing about how to go abound finding that out very fast, and will be giving some quick examples on why this is helpful. This can be done with a method in the node.js os module know as os.cpus

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