The Bounds component in phaser ce

When working with one or more sprites or display objects in Phaser ce there might come a time when the bounds of a sprite are of interest. These are simple values like the y position of the sprite plus its height which results in the bottom y position of the sprite. In phaser ce there is no need to write my own code to fine these values because they are part of the bounds component. In some cases it might be necessary to world with these values, and if so they are there all ready at the instance of the display object thanks to this component. This component also adds two useful methods that can be used to align one display object with another as well. Although This component by itself does not do anything with collision detection, it does maintain properties that are needed for things like bounding box collision detection.

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Reversing an Array in javaScript with lodash _.reverse, and alternatives

For todays lodash post I have come around to taking a moment to write a quick post about _.reverse. Lodash is a great project, but many of the methods are pretty much just reverences to native methods, and _.reverse is an example of one of these. Also the native array method on which _.reverse is based has excellent backward compatibility, as the method will work on browsers as old as IE 5.5.

So then _.reverse is not one of those lodash methods that help support a case that lodash acts as a safety net of sorts when it comes to the question of supporting older browsers. At least it is worth saying that the lodash reverse method is not the best example of safely net types methods in lodash. Never the less in this post I will be writing about _.reverse and the native Array.reverse methods as a means to reverse the order of an array in javaScript, and also cover some any and all related topics that might pop up in the process of doing so.

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The lodash bind method, and plain javaScript alternatives.

For today I thought I would write a post on the _.bind in lodash, and also the concept of binding in general. In a nut shell the lodash bind method creates a new method from another method with the value of the this keyword binded to a given value. It is one of several methods of interest both in lodash and with javaScript in general when it comes to the nature of the this keyword.

Speaking of native javaScript there is also the native Function bind prototype method that I should also touch base on here as well as maybe some additional topics that have to do with native javaScript alone. There is a great deal more to be aware of with this sort of thing, but just with lodash bind and native counterparts, but all kinds of additional various this when it comes to the this keyword, own properties of objects and the nature of the prototype chain. So then this will not just be a post on lodash, but also in native sections on the topic of binding things in general.

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The Core component in phaser ce

As I continue to expand my content on Phaser ce I have come around to expanding mu posts centered around the various components that are used with display objects in phaser ce. These components add features to display objects like events, and animation. In this post I will be covering the core component and what it brings to a display object, such as a sprite or text object.

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Setting up keyboard cursor keys in phaser ce.

For todays post on Phaser ce topics I thought I would put together a quick post on keyboard.createCursorKeys. This can be used to create an object containing a collection of four hot keys for up down left and right. As such this can be used as a way to quickly get going with directional movement of a display object with the keyboard in phaser. Each hot key object can be used to pull the current state of a key in an update loop, as well as attach events via Phaser.signal instances. So in this post I will be writing about how to go about getting keyboard movement up and running real quick in a phaser ce project with this method.

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