Setting sprite lifespan in phaser ce

When making some games with Phaser ce there might come a time when it is necessary to set a millisecond time limit to the existence of a sprite until it is killed. This will come up with things like particles and other short lived sprites that are to just exist on the screen for a short while and then end up in a killed state to be revived later when needed. This is where the sprite.lifespan property can be of use to quickly get this working in a project compared to making a custom solution for this. In this post I will be covering a simple example that makes use of the lifespan property of sprites to set a time limit for how long a sprite will be at play.

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Starting out with plug-ins in phaser ce

So I finally got around to making my first phaser ce plug in, and now I am wishing that I look into how to go about doing this sooner. Although I have not been writing about it yet, I have bean working on a few prototypes for actual games, rather than simple little examples that just show how to work with one little thing in phaser ce. As such I am ruing into issues when it comes to how to go about keeping things well organized as a project grows in size. So far it looks like making plug-ins might be a better way of keeping things well structured compared to other options. So in this post I will me writing about how to make a basic plug-in, and also some slightly more complex examples as well.

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Quickly create a grid in phaser ce

In many game projects there is a need to create a grid, either as part of the games mechanics, as a way to dimension space, or as a way to quickly have some way to show that a sprite is moving my having at least some kind of background other than a solid color. In Phaser ce there is a way to quickly make a grid texture with create.grid, but this might not be the best option for some cases. In any case in this post I will revive a quick simple demo of how to use create.grid, and some pother alternatives as well.

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Input down events for all children in a group in phaser ce

These days I have been playing around with groups in phaser ce, and have learned a lot about what there is to work with in the Phaser.Group class allowing me to make smarter decisions when developing a project with phaser ce. For example when it comes to attaching an event hander for sprites, I can attach one for each sprite in a group. However if it is something that applies to all of the children in a group, I can use Group.onChildInputDown.

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Create textures in phaser with game.create

So when making a project with Phaser ce I often go with solutions for graphics that do not involve loading an external sprite sheet. Do not get me wrong that is a great way of handling it, and I have written a post on how to do that in phaser. However for simple hyper casual style games, it is often possible to just quickly throw together some simple graphics with one of the assetless solutions available in phaser ce for making on the fly graphics for a game. I have all ready wrote a post on the graphics display objects, and how to make sprite sheets with a canvas element, and the 2d drawing canvas api. However in this post I will be writing about another option for doing this in phaser ce which is the Create.texture method.

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