Arrow helpers in three.js
When it comes to threejs I thought I would write a quick post on the subject of arrow helpers. In threejs there are a number of built in helper methods than can be used to quickly create objects that help to visualize what is going on with state of various components of a threejs project. The arrow helper is one of these such helper objects that can be used to find out what is going on with the direction of a Vector3 class object.
These arrow helper obuects are Object3d class based objects, so that means that they can be attached to the scene object, but also just about anything that inherits from the object32 class. So they can also be attached to a mesh object, an instance of a group, or any object3d based class for that matter.
In this post I will be going over some basic examples of arrow helpers, and the features to work with when it comes to such objects. In the process I will also be touching base on some other threejs related topics that have to do with making the code of a threejs project a little more organized so it is not such a thin post as there is only so much to write about when it comes to the arrow helper.