The basics of JavaScript numbers
In javaScript Numbers are a central part of just about any project. Much of programing has to do with working with magnitudes that are well represented with numbers. For example say I am working out a simple example that has to do with a point in a 2d grid, numbers can be used to represent the x and y position of that point in the grid. Numbers are also used when it comes to representing things like an angle between two points in a grid, and the number of frames that are to pass when a point moves from one location to another, just to mention a few examples where Numbers will come into play. So doing just about anything interesting with javaScript will require at least some basic understanding of how numbers are handled in a javaScript programing environment.
Working with numbers in javaScript might be a little easier compared to other environments as there is only one Number data type, or at least that is the case traditionally. There is also a new BigInt constructor also, but that is a matter for another post.
In this post I will be going over some of the basics when it comes to just plain old javaScript numbers. There are a few thing to be aware of when working out expressions, and may other little things here and there that one might only become ware of over time. So I will be touching base on at least some of theme here for what it is worth.