Threejs Plane geometry checker style using textures as well as groups, and much more
In threejs there are a lot of built in constructors for making quick geometries that can be used with a material to create a mesh. One of these is built in geometry constructors can be used to make geometry of a plane. That is just a flat simple 2d plane, which is a desired geometry for most simple projects.
The three plane geometry constructor allows for setting the width and height, but also a count for section width, and section height as well when creating a plane geometry. There is then the question of how to go about styling a checkered plane in threejs, as well as some other related topics when it comes to working with planes in threejs. There are two general ways of doing that sort of thing, one would be to just think in terms of a single material and a single texture, and the other would involve getting into creating and adding groups and thus also set material index values for the geometry. In any case the plane geometry is a great one to start with when it comes to both of these topics actually.
There are many other little details about this that I should also touch base on such as rotating the geometry rather than the mesh object that contains it. Another typical thing that will come up is how to go about setting the side property of the material that I use with the geometry when creating the mesh and so forth. So lets take a look at some plane geometry examples in threejs to get a better grasp on how to get up and running with plain geometry in threejs.