hapi js and etags

This will be a quick post on etags, and the entity response toolkit method in hapi 17.x. This might be the first of a few posts on hapi, and web cache, but there is all ready some great content out there on the subject with the official hapi docs, which also links to a resource at developers.google.com when it comes to etags and more. Still I thought I would work out some of my own examples when it comes to this. Etags are a way to go about taging a response with a unique value that can be used as a way for a browser to know if it still has an up to date version of the content or not, and thus can still continue to use the cached resource rather than downloading the resource yet again.

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loash _.indexOf

The lodash indexof method is one of many methods in lodash that are no longer really a great selling point for the use of lodash in projects these days. There is the Array.indexOf array prototype method of course, and that is fairly well supported these days. The native string index of method works more or less the same way as lodash index of method with strings, and as such this is not one of the most compelling methods in lodash that help to win over pople who say it is a dead library.

There are other methods of interest in lodash of course such as the _.findIndex method as well, and there is also the ides of getting more than just one index when the situation calls for it as well. Still I thought I would take a moment to wrote a post around the lodash indexOf method and a whole much of related topics when it comes to just plain old vanilla javaScript as well.

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Routing in hapi js

In this post I will be going over some examples of how to go about getting started with routing and creating paths in hapi js. The basic components of a route in hapi is a path, a method, and a handler for incoming http requests. These comments are given to hapi in the from of an object to the server.route method. There are many little things here and there to be aware of when setting up some routes in hapi though so lets look at a few examples of routes in hapi js.

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JavaScript async await

A js async function can be used as a way to define a special kind of asynchronous function. These async functions can be used in conjunction with the await keyword to help with the process of writing asynchronous code easier in javaScript as of late specs of javaScript as of ECMAScript 2017.

These kinds of async functions still operate in the main event loop, so they still can not be used as a way to achieve what is often called true threading with javaScript, at least not by themselves. So then js async is not a replacement for Webworker in client side javaScript, or something like the cluster module, or child process module in nodejs. If you want to get closer to true threading you would want to look into those options and not just use asnyc functions alone. Still in some situations the async keyword can be useful so lets look at some code examples of this in use.

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