lodash every collection method and vanilla js alternative

The lodash every collection method can be used to test if each key value in a collection meets a condition that is defined in the body of a function that is passed as one of the arguments. So it can for example be used to test if all elements in an array are a number, if all elements in an array are objects of a certain constructor, and so forth.

In native javaScript there is the array every prototype method, and it would seem that this native method has decent browser support. It is an array method rather than a collection method as is the case with lodash every, but will work just as well when it comes to arrays.

In this post I will be quickly going over the lodash every method as well as the native Array.every method and other native javaScript ways of testing if all values in an object will satisfy a given condition.

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Cone geometry examples in threejs

When it comes to three js geometry there are a number of built in constructor functions that can be used to make most basic shapes such as the Box geometry Constructor, and the Sphere Geometry Constructor just to name a new. These constructors can be used to quickly create a buffer geometry that can then in turn be used with a materials to produce an over all mesh object that can then be added to a scene object of an over all threejs project.

One of these is the cone geometry constructor, that is yet another basic typical shape that I would like to use in basic projects. This will then be a post on some of the details of the cone geometry constructor as well as some things that Branch off from the use of it. One major thing that I have come across in my travels is using the rotation methods of the buffer geometry instance that is returned by the cone geometry constructor to adjust the rotation of the geometry so that it works the way that I want it to when using the look at method of the object3d class for example.

There is also getting into ways to go about coming up with a custom geometry by way of an extremal file, or directly working with the buffered geometry constructor and a little javaScript code to create custom geometries. However I have come to find that I like to make simple crude yet effective modules that are just groups of these basic built in shapes. The Box and Sphere constructors are great basic tools for these kinds of models, but some of the other shapes can come into play also, such as of course the cone geometry, so it makes sense to look into them also.

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A Three js example making a tree model

I want to start creating some video projects some of which will feature an outdoor type scene, so I would like to make some crude yet functional models composed of built in threejs geometry constructors, and one such model that I will want will be a kind of tree. I might want to end up making a few models that are a kind of tree actually, but one will be something that looks like a pine tree rather than one of the other general types of trees. So this post will be another one of my posts on a threejs project example using just the threejs JavaScript library, and a little additional vanilla javaScript code to make a quick crude model of a tree that looks like some kind of ever green type tree.

This model makes use of the three js built in cone geometry constructor, and the THREE.group constructor to make collections of cones sized and positioned in such a way to from a circle of cones with each cone pointing outward from the center. I will then have a few of these kinds of groups stacked on top of each other that will form an over all group that is the full tree. I will then just want to adjust the length, and possibly the radius of the cones from the bottom cone group section to the top.

This kind of example is a very basic getting started type example when it comes to just figuring out some basic ideas for projects, and reusable assets that I can use in a larger project. This might not be the most fun and exciting example, but working out a half way decent way of creating a tree model is a good start for creating a larger over all project in which I might make use of this. There is not just making a module that will be used to create and maybe mutate this kind of group of mesh objects, but using this tree model with a bunch of other little projects to make an over all larger project.

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The JavaScript console and getting started with javaScript

In just about any web browser there is a javaScript console to work with for debugging, but also to test out a little javaScript code often if the console supports doing so. There are many ways to go about getting started with javaScript, some of which require the installation of software that might not all ready be installed on the computer however, but this is often not the case when it comes to monkeying around in the javaScript console of a web browser. You see this console can be used as a way of getting started with javaScript, without installing any additional software beyond the web browser that you all ready have installed on your computer. So because of this the javaScript console might be a good starting point as anyone that has a browser like chrome installed can open the javaScript console, and start learning a thing or two about javaScript coding.

So then with the javaScript console with chrome at least there is no need to even look into editors, and javaScript related plug-ins for such editors, at least when it comes to just getting started at least. There is no need to install nodejs first, any package managers, git, or any additional special software. There is no need for any expensive software or hardware, or even to take classes when starring out with javaScript because there is so much great content for free on the open Internet way beyond the content of this post, that should go without saying naturally.

So then if you are reading this in a modern web browser such as chrome 92 or higher, that is running on top of a modern fully featured traditional desktop operating system when it comes to windows, Mac OSX or Linux, then that is all that is needed. So lets start out with the javaScript console as a way to get started learning the javaScript programing language.

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Canvas text positioning and styling

So in html canvas text can be rendered with methods like the fill text 2d drawing context method. There is also the stroke text method as well that can be used as a replacement of or in addition to the fill text method. There a bunch more methods and properties to the drawing context also that are of interest when working with canvas text, but those two methods are of course good starting points to say the least.

When it comes to the style of text it is sometimes nice to use the two fillText and strokeText methods together where I fill first and then stroke over with another color. This will help make sure that the text will always show up depending on what is going on behind it when rendering. There might be other ways of helping with that, but it is of course one thing that comes to mind when rendering text to a canvas element also.

There is a bit more to know about when it comes to setting the position of text, color, the font size and font family, and so forth of canvas text. There are at least a few properties, and methods that a javaScript developer should be aware of when it comes to using canvas to render text. So lets look at some quick simple examples of working with text and canvas elements for starters. The maybe move on to a few more advanced examples that really get into using canvas text in a project.

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