Quaternion rotation objects in threejs

There is a lot of ground to cover when it comes to quaternions in threejs, but one has to start somewhere with them so here we are. Quaternions and prove to be very confusing at first compared to what you might be used to for setting rotations, but with a little effort some of that confusion can be addressed to get to at least a basic, functional , level of understanding. They are far more complex than Euler objects, but that complexly is justified for some situations that can come up when working on projects.

When it comes to setting the rotation of an object such as a mesh object, camera, or any kind of object3d based object one might just use the look at method of the object3d class and move on with ones life. No judgment with that, it is a very useful method, I use it all the time myself. However I do so with an understanding that the look at method does have some limitations when it comes to setting the rotation of an object. The same can be said of directly working with the rotation property that stores the current object rotation in the form of a Euler object. Euler objects might be easy to understand in terms of what the deal is with the public properties of such objects, but I pay a price for that simplicity and can end up dealing with problems like Gimbel lock.

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SVG tools module threejs example

I made a threejs project example a while back that had to do with using svg as a way to define curves in 3d space, however it would seem that I jumped the gun and did not just simply make a standard set of tools that builds on top of threejs and the SVGLoader. So with that said this week one thing I worked on was a new threejs project example that is just that a standard set of tools to use when working with SVG files. There is just dirrectly working with the SVG loader and threejs itself of course, but there are a lot of little things that come up as well as things that need to happen with many other threejs fetures that I would say valadates a need for an addtional abstraction of some things if I want to keep my main javascript code clean and also not repeat code from one project to the next.

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Camera Planes module threejs example

When working on various threejs projects I have thought that it would be nice to have a way to just simply have a simple 2d layer to display debug info, or when making a final product to just use for any and all overlays that have to do with simple messages and so forth. Anyway of course, as always there is more than one way to go about doing something like this. One way would be to just have an HTML Collection of canvas elements, some of which are the DOM element properties of a threejs renderer, and others are just plane old 2d drawing content canvas elements. That is all fine and good, and maybe that is how I will need to go about doing things with certain projects. However for this threejs project example I am thinking more in terms of just going with a single canvas element that is the DOM element of a WebGL renderer, and making use of mesh objects, plane geometry, and various camera properties to just position, rotate, and scale such mesh objects so they are just in front of a camera at all times.

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A Breath Module threejs project example

I made a javaScript module that can be used as a core tool in the process of making a number of video projects that are controlled breathing exercises. The core idea of these kinds of videos is to have a number of objects update in such a way that they are in sycn with a rate at which people watching the video are to breathe. The goal of watching these kinds of videos is to change what is often called Heart Rate Variability in a way that will help reduce blood pressure, anxiety, depression and thus allow for greater preformance with work, play, or anyting that one would like to focus on for that matter. A good example of the kind of videos that I would like to make using this can be found on the youtube channel mind drip. This channel also has a nice video that explains what HRV is about for people that are new to what this is.

So there is a lot of little details that come up when making a javaScript module to update things in an over all scene object. There is for example how many breaths per minute, how many minutes, and also other details about each breath cycle. Details for each breath cycle are things like what is the ratio of time for each opening rest, breathe in, high rest, and breathe out part of a total breath cycle. There are also a lot of things that come to mind when it comes to having an expression for the alpha values that will be used to position objects, and also update just about everything else in an over all scene object. However that would be about it when it comes to the core set of features that I would want working with this project. That is to just have some decent logic worked out to update alpha values as the other features outside of that will change from one project to the next.

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Points in threejs

When it comes to adding content to a scene for the most part one will want to make use of Mesh objects, and with that geometry and materials that work well with such objects. However when it comes to first starting out learning how to make custom geometry, and for other various reasons one might want to make use of an alternative such as THREE.Points. The THREE.Points class is a way to create a content object that will work well with a geometry that might just have a position attribute and nothing else.

The position attribute is the first and foremost attribute that one will want to work out when making a custom geometry as it is the actual points in space. So often I might start out using THREE.Points when making a custom geometry as the first steps is just figuring out the position and order of the points in space. Once I have the position attribute worked out well I can then move on to working out the various other attributes that will get the geometry to work well with Mesh Objects.

There are a number of other reasons why one might want to use the THREE.Points class. One thing that I find myself using it for all the time is to get a visual idea of what is going on with the state of a Curve Path for example. In any case in this post I will be writing about a general overview of the THREE.Points class, and while I am at it write about a lot of other things that will come up in the process such as position attributes of buffer geometry objects.

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