Blog plan for 2021

Well yet another year has gone by, and another one is to begin, so it is time to make yet another blog plan type post. I started doing this each year starting in 2018, and maybe it is not such a bad idea to continue doing this at least once a year. In fact maybe I should even consider doing it on a monthly bases also, at the beginning or end of each month maybe. The reason why I think that is that is because one thing that one thing that needs to improve is to have a better plan to begin with, rather than putting in more time, or working hard. Also if I am all ready doing that then planning is the only thing that remains to improve anyway.

This year I am going to continue with writing new posts pretty often, however this might be the last year that I continue doing so. I just have this general idea in mind that as I start to get up to around a thousand posts or so I should start to focus more on the quality of just a single post a week or so rather than trying to write almost every day. I am starting to get to that point, but I do not think that I have to actually get there first in order to change things up a bit.

Some things will stay the same more or less this year then, but there are at least a few things that I would like to do differently this year. I have been at this sense 2017, so it should go without saying that I am interested in continuing this for the long term no matter what. I just think that I should change what that the long term means now and then for this site. There is writing just about every day, but then there is working one something for a week, a month, or even longer, and writing just one long content piece on something that something. I have been writing a lot of posts, but mainly on quick simple code examples, and simple projects that I put together in a few hours or a day or so. I am not sure going in the complete polar opposite direction of that is a good idea, I still want to put my eggs in a few baskets rather than just one still, but maybe going that way a little at least would be nice this year.

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Dictionaries in Python

In an effort to continue learning the basic of python it was only a matter of time until I got around to writing a post on dictionaries as a data type option to work with. In python a dictionary is one of several built in data types on top of other options like integers, strings and lists, so they are there to work with right away with the python language itself.

A dictionary is somewhat similar to a list in some ways, as it is also a data structure option, but with a few very important differences. First off unlike a list, a dictionary is a way to create a named collection of values rather than a numbered one. The other important difference is that I can not just loop over a dictionary, at least not a dictionary value by itself anyway.

In this post I will be going over some of the basics of dictionary values in python, how to go about creating them, and looping over the contents of them.

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Classes in Python

I would like to start work on a real python project, and one of many things that I think I should get solid with python before doing so is to learn how to write classes in python. So for todays post I am going to go over some simple class examples that make use of the various features of classes.

I was able to get up and running with classes pretty quickly with python, but I think I should mention that I do have years of experience programing in other languages, well for the most part just javaScript. If you are pretty solid with how classes work in javaScript then you might also find this a quick painless process also because what we are doing here is just learning how to do what we all ready know a slightly different way.

However if you have no experience with classes to begin with then I guess I will need to mention some kind of explanation of what a class is. One way of doing so might be to say that a class is an object that is not just an object but a class of an object. There is the class itself that is used to create an instance of a class, and then there is an object that is a said instance of the class. There are properties of the Class and then there are properties of just an instance of a class.

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Modules in Python

In the past few weeks I have been making an effort to start learning python, and as such I should start getting into how to go about making some kind of real project with python at some point. So far I have been just toying around with small snippets of code, and working out the very basic of python programing. However when it comes to the idea of getting into making something real I am going to want to know how to go about making modules in python. That is how to go about taking code and breaking it down into separate files to which I can then import into another file that will be the main python file or script file that will be started with the python binary one way or another.

So in this post I will be going over the basics and more when it comes to modules and scripts in python as I have come to know it thus far. Such as the difference between a script and a module, how to go about using a module from a script file, and how to go about creating a module of my own.

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Data Types in Python

When learning a new programing language one of the first basic things to understand is to find out what the deal is with data types in the language. Some languages have strict typing where each variable must be set to a certain type, and can not just be changed to something else. Other languages have dynamic typing where a variable can be any given type and any given moment. Some languages have many different data types for numbers that have to do with how many bytes are used to store the value, if it is signed or unsigned, if it is an integer or float value, and so forth. Other languages simplify this by just going with one data type for all numbers.

So when it comes to python it would seem that there is dynamic typing, and there are many data types for numbers. In addition there are many other additional built in types when it comes to objects. In this post I will be going over the basics of data types in python as I have come to understand it thus far.

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