Hamster Wheel threejs example
Some times I end up experiencing a kind of burn out because I spend a great deal of time doing what I think I need to do, rather than what I want to do. Sadly often I end up spending all day writing these posts, and simple source code examples for such posts. As such there often is no time and energy left over for working on any kind of real project that I truly would like to work on when it comes to making things that are useful, or at least mildly amusing in some way. So I thought that some kind of threejs example would be a nice break from the usual kind of post where I am just writing about some kind of method in a framework, or some kind of native javaScript feature.
With that said this post will be on an example where I have a simple little guy model that is walking inside a human sized hamster wheel. So this is a a fun little project that has to do with something that is often used as an analogy for being stuck in a loop in real life where I keep doing the same things over and over again, and never really get anywhere which of course results in a kind of burn out. In other words getting stuck on a hamster wheel of life sort of speak, which then raises the question how does one get off this hamster wheel. The solution is simple, it just means trying something new to see if things work out better, and if not just keep changing until something is found that works out well.
Anyway when it comes to starting to make something that is starting to look like an actual project of one kind or another I have found that I like to just make very simple basic models that are just groups of mesh objects that are using the built in geometries in threejs. There is taking the time to look into how to go about making models in a more professional way, but when it comes to making animations with threejs I think the most important thing to get solid is to just to work out a certain style, and make sure that the frames come out the way that I want them to when it comes to that style. With that said todays post will be yet another one of those kinds of examples where I am just having a little fun with threejs.