This month I have been focusing on lodash, mostly in terms of editing my older content on the subject, but also writing a few new posts where and when I think doing so is needed. With that said I have not wrote a post centered around the subject of collections, and so called collection methods and how they compare to say arrays methods in lodash. So in todays post the focal point will be collections, the various methods in lodash that work with collections, and also how to work with collections in general outside of lodash when it comes to working with javaScript by itself.
When it comes to arrays in javaScript and array can be though of as a kind of collection, this is because an array is zero or more elements and each element is often of a given type. When it comes to regular javaScript arrays any element can be any given type, but there are also typed arrays where all elements are a single type. However anyway each element in the array typically has some kind of shared significance that is relevant to an over all problem, and this array needs to be acted on with various kinds of methods that preform actions on this array such a filtering. When it comes to the structure of javaScript arrays, an array is a kind of object in javaScript, each key is numbered rather than named, and there is a length property of the array that is the current capacity of the array. There is then creating an object that is structured this way using for example the Object literal syntax, as such it is an object that is just like an array in terms of the own properties of the object, but it is not an instance of the array class, thus does not have array prototype methods at the ready to work with. There is then creating another kind of object that is also just like this kind of object in terms of the values for each key, but the keys are named rather than numbered, and there is no length property. These kinds of objects may differ from an array a little, but they can still be thought of as a kind of collection.
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