Reading files in Hexo

So now and then I might want to read a file in my hexo working tree that contains data that is needed when generating pages. For example I may have a file in my root name space that contains API access keys that are hidden from git with a .gitignore file. I might be using some API that requires an access key to get data that I used in the build process, so I will want to read that file, and fail gracefully if for some reason it’s not there.

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Hexo tags

This is my first post for my github pages site blog. Now that I got that out of the way I thought I would start out by writing about Hexo is a node.js powered static site generator that can take markdown files and generate a collection of html files with a given theme. It is a very useful tool that can automate a great deal of work that would otherwise be hand coded.

Speaking of hexo I thought I would make my first post about one of the static site generators features called tags. Hexo tags are a way that I can quickly append generated html content in my blog posts.

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