Getting started with three.js with a basic scene example
I have been wanting to write a series of posts on threejs for a while now, and I do not care to put it off any longer. I have fiddled with threejs in the past, but never really got into it, that is until now. I have enough experience with it to know that it helps making projects that involve 3d objects very easy, yet it is still something that takes a significant investment of time to get fairly solid with. Also there is not just what there is to know about the various features of the library, but also what there is to known when it comes to working with 3d in general. For example when it comes to really getting into 3d at some point sooner or later I am going to want to also learn a thing or two about using blender as a way to go about making external files that I can then load into a scene.
Also threejs is one of those javaScript projects that is just plain awesome. Working with solid geometric space is one of the main reasons why I got into programming in the first place, so of course I need to write about this one, how can I not? So this will be a getting started post, that will kick off at least a first few additional posts on this subject, and I can see myself going beyond that easy.