Having a path that responds with on the fly json.

So I have been writing some express.js projects these days, and I seem to be generally making two kinds of paths in my projects. Paths that render html, and paths that respond to requests that are sent via some kind of http client in the browser. Because much of full stack development often has at least a little to do with a database of some kind, I wanted to do some exercises that involve making a path that will spit out json, but the json will be different depending on the query strings that are given. Also it would be a path that will not just spit out a static json file, but a result to some kind of query. So in other words a path that gives on the fly json.

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Express Middleware

So after getting into express.js for about a month now, I find myself writing my own middleware methods now. If you do not know what middleware is then this post might be of help. A middleware is a module, or actually even just a method that does something with incoming traffic in an express.js application. There is middleware for doing all kinds of things, like authentication, setting http headers, and parsing cookies just to mention a few things that can be done with middleware. In other words it is a term given to plugins, or extensions for express.js, as by itself I can only do so much. So this is where middleware comes in.

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A todo app example using express, lowdb, and much more.

So I have been working with express.js for a while now when it comes to making simple demos, but now I think it is time to start making something that is a full working project of some kind. Often people start with a simple todo list project of some kind, so maybe that will do for now. I do not have to make this the kind of project that I will devote a few years of my life to, it can just be a good start. In this post I will be writing about this first express.js project, and if all goes well maybe this will not be the last post like this, as I progress into something else that is more interesting.

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Using more than one app in express, with req.app, res.app, and require

In express.js I get into situations in which I am dealing with more than one instance of an express app object. This is helpful, and to some extent necessary as it helps break things down into more manageable smaller components that are each responsible for a certain task, such as rendering, or grabbing settings from a yaml or json file.

In this post I will be writing about req.app, res.app which are both just reference the instance of app that is using the express middleware. This can be used as a way to not use require to get a reference to my main app instance from another file, but that is another way of pulling it off. In other words this post is about instances of the app object in express, and how to manage a bunch of theme when starting to make something a little complicated.

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Express app.delete, to delete a server side file via the http delete method.

Today for my quick morning post on express.js I wanted to start taking a look at some of the other http request methods other than get, and post. So for today I put together a quick demo that makes use of the app.delete method. This is a express app object method that can be used to define what to do for an http delete request in express.

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