Object grid wrap threejs javaScript module example

I have some ideas for videos that involve a gird of objects the position of which will move, but will also wrap around when also. In other words I would like to have some kind of simple javaScript module in which I can define an array of source objects, and then have an array of index values for tile location in the grid where each index value refers to an object to clone from the source objects array. So then this kind of module could be used in all kinds of ways when it comes to making some kind of looping world that I can then move around in. The module can be used with a number of other components that involve additional objects that might be elements of the main focus of the over all video, but this module would be a nice way to have some kind of repeating background.

So this post will be on what I have together at this time for what I am calling an object grid wrap module which will be yet another one of my threejs project examples.

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Linear lerping with the Vector3 lerp method

When working on a project that involves threejs and a little javaScript, I am often in a situation in which I have an object at one position and I want to translation the object from that one starting position to a new end position. There are a number of ways of doing that, but in the Vector3 class there is a method that can be used to quickly preform a kind of linear lerp from one point to another that I think I should write a blog post on.

This lerp method can just be called off of an instance of Vector3, and when doing so the point I want to lerp to can be passed as the first argument, and an alpha value can then also be passed as a second argument. This alpha value is just simply a value between 0 and 1 that is a magnitude between these two points that the vector should be changed. Often I will not want to just use the lerp method alone though, often I use it in combination with other vector3 class methods such as the clone, copy, and set methods. There is also a thing or two to say about how to go about coming up with alpha values, and other alternatives for moving a point in space from one point to another.

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threejs example using a sequence module with hooks

When it comes to starting to make some kind of actual product with threejs rather than just simple code examples for the sake of blog posts, I have started going in the direction of making videos. Thus far I have made a whole bunch of You tube videos for my various blog posts on threejs that I have wrote thus far, and still have a lot more to make if I am going to keep up with that. Anyway when it comes to making videos with a little javaScript code I have found that I like to break things down into what I have code to call sequences. So for this threejs project examples post I will be going over the source code of a new sequences module that I have made.

These sequences are just a way of having not just one update method, but an array of update methods with a current index for an update method that will be set based on a percent value that is based off of a current frame index value relative to that of a max frame value. This is something that I have all ready done with a sequence module that I have all ready made for my various video projects, one collection of which has to do with making video embeds for these blog posts. Anyway after using the module that I have made before for a while now I have found that there are a number of additional features that I should add, one of which is to not just have a collection of objects with an update method, but also before and after hook methods that will always fire before and after the calling of the current update method. This way I can use the before hook to set values that are a kind of default value for the sequence object, rather than repeating lines of code for each update method.

While I was making this module I also thought of a whole bunch of other features that are features that I really should have in this kind of module and managed to sneak them into the module also. This allows for me to set what the percent values should be for each update method by means of seconds values for each object, which I have come to find is a must have feature compared to doing the math manually for that. Also although I have made it so that using seconds values is the default when using the create method of the module, this feature can be disabled in the event that I just want to set percent values for each object like that of what I have been dong thus far.

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The Box3 class in threejs.

The box3 class in the javaScript library known as threejs is a way to create a box in the from of a min and max values in the form of vector3 class objects. This Box can then be used for things like getting another Vector3 instance that is the size of the box. This size vector3 can then be used for things like setting the scale of a mesh object to the size vector. There are just about all kinds of other usfule use case examples of the Box3 class beyond that of course but one still does have to start somewhere.

With that said in this post I will be starting out with a number of examples that have to do with typical use cases of this Box3 class.

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Object3d lookAt and Vector3 apply Euler methods threejs example

For todays post on a threejs project example I wanted to make some quick code that has to do with how the look at method of the object3d class is not always a kind of golden hammer kind of solution when it comes to setting the orientation of an object. For the most part the look at method works well, and is very easy to use. I just call the method off of the object that is based off of the object3d class, typically a camera or mesh object, and pass the position that I want the object to look at. The position can be given in the form of a Vector3 object, or a set of number literal values, and more often than not the method will in fact have the object look at the point in space. However in some cases the end result may not work the way that I want it to, so I can not just turn my brain off and not think about this kind of stuff at all. In certain situations I will need to work out some other kind of situation when it comes to setting the rotation of an object3d based object.

This example then should help to show what I mean by this as it is a whole bunch of objects positioned around the origin and the are all made to look at the origin with the look at method. However two objects of interest might be at the top of the over all area where one plain is positioned one way and the other is flipped around completely. This is not always such a bad thing, but it is if what I want to do is make an animation in which this kind of object is of that of a plane that might make a motion like that of a loop in space. The end result is that the plane will flip have way threw which is of course not at all how it would happen in reality.

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