Using commander for option parsing in node.js, and more

When making scripts that are to be called from the command line with node.js, the subject of option parsing becomes of interest. Option parsing is the process of parsing a string of arguments from a command line interface into a workable object of values. If you are in a situation in which you find yourself trying to work out your own solution for extracting arguments that are given from the command line via process,argv, you might want to stop and check out some of the npm modules that are around that help to make quick work of this such as commander. In this post I will be writing about commander as a solution for command line option parsing, and will be giving some examples of it’s use.

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Mongoose Schema Middleware

This post is about making Schema middelware using mongoose as a mongodb client. Making such middleware for a schema is useful for preforming certain tasks such as sanitation, and producing certain values that are the result of a method before creating or updating a document. For example I could have a user model that has some middleware that makes sure that a username does not violate certain rules before continuing, rules like the username must begin with a letter, only contain permitted characters, and not exceed a set character length.

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Mongoose Schema

This post is about working with a database Schema with mongodb, using mongoose as a mongodb client. A Schema can be thought of as a blueprint of sorts for a Model that will be used to create many instances of said Model that will compose a collection. So in other words a Shema is a formal way of setting up the format of a database item, mainly its properties, and what types each property should be. This post will be a quick overview of how to define and use a Schema in with mongoose.

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Repairing a mongodb database folder after an unclean shutdown

When playing around with mongodb I once ended up with an unclean shutdown as a result of just killing the process without allowing for mongod to gracefully shutdown. As such I ended up with a non empty mongod.lock file, and I could not restart mongod. For a while I could not figure out what was wrong, but afyer checking the logs and doing a little research it turns out I just need to repair the database by juts giving a few options to mongod, and sure enough I was back up and running in no time. This will be a quick post about that experience.

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The mongod binary for starting a process that responds to queries

The mongod binary in mongodb is what is used to start a process, daemon, or service if that is what you prefer to call such things. In other words it is something that runs in the background, and it listens on a port waiting to respond to requests. As such when working with mongodb it is important to at least know a thing or two about this process, such as what port it is listening on, and how to change settings for it assuming that you have the authority to do so. This binary is not to be confused with another binary called just mongo which is used to interact with mongodb, and preform certain tasks. In this post I will be writing about this binary, I might not touch base on everything but I will be covering a few must know things about it.

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