Express set

This will be a quick post on the express set method in express.js which can be used in conjunction with the express get function when it comes to working with application settings.

The app.set method to be specific can be used to set application settings like the view engine to use, or a post number to listen on when starting a main server script. In addition it can be used as an alternative to defining global variables for just about anything that has to be stored and accessed at a later point elsewhere in the app. The app get method as you might know can be used to define middleware to use with get requests, but if it is used with just one argument and given a string value the get method can be used as a way to get rather than set application values.

So then in this post I will be going over a few simple quick examples of the app.set method along with the app.get method when working out an express.js project on top of nodejs.

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Express post request example

The method can be used in express.js to define what is to be done in the event that a post request is received from a client system. Working with express post requests can be a somewhat complicated process, there is much to cover in terms of how to go about making a client system that will send post requests, and also how to parse the incoming request as well. I will not be going into every little detail about this in this post of course, but I will be covering some basic examples, and link to other relevant works when it comes to how to get up and running with express post requests.

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Express pug view engine basics

In express.js there are a number of options for view engines, or template languages as they might often be referred to as. I am somewhat partial to ejs which closely resembles the same syntax of html, but another popular option is pug that follows a syntax similar to languages like that of python.

I have all ready wrote a post on using the pug node.js npm package by itself, but in this post I will be writing on setting up pug in express.js so it can be used with the render response method.

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App listen method in express and the native node.js alternative

In express.js there is the app.listen convenience method that can be used to get an express app to start listening for requests on a given port. In many projects this express.js app object method will work just find, but in some situations you might want to use the native node.js http or https methods to get your express app up and running. In this post in will be giving some quick examples of app.listen in express.js as well as the http.createServer node.js http module method as well.

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Function Declarations in javaScript

In javaScript there is more than one way to define a function, depending on the nature of the function all the different ways of defining a function will work okay, or not, depending on the situation in which they are used. For example arrow functions will work okay in most cases, however because of how the this keyword is treated with arrow functions it is not a good choice when writing a constructor function. This along with several other concerns that come up would maybe be a good reason to consider other options when it comes to writing functions i n javaScript such as function expressions and function declarations.

So it is important to understand the differences between the different ways of how to go about writing functions in javaScript so you know which to use in a given situation. In this post I will be writing about function declarations, but for comparison I will also be touching base on function expressions and arrow functions as well so you have something to compare to here without having to read up on them more elsewhere. However if you do want to read up more on functions in general I have a main post on just javaScript functions in general when it comes to the basics of functions and what can be done with them in javaScript.

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