In threejs there is a built in box helper that can be used to help gain some visual idea of what is going on with a Mesh, a Group, or potentially anything else that inherits from the Object3d Class for that matter. I say potentially because it must be an object that has a buffer geometry, or in the case of groups child objects that do. Simply put, the box helper just draws a box outline around the area of an object that it is used with.
There are maybe a few little problems here and there that might come up when using the box helper though. For example one might expect that when a mesh is moved or rotated that box will move and rotate with the mesh object, however this is not always the case. Typically I will want to add a box helper to the object that I have created it for as a child, so that when I move or rotate that object the box helper will move or rotate with it. Another way would be to use a method that can update the state of this box helper object by using a set from object method that is a prototype method of this box helper class.
In this post I will be going over a few quick examples of the box helper in threejs that might help to address some of these issues that might pop up when unseeing it. As such I will not just be writing about the box helper, but also a wide range of other things that can be applied elsewhere when it comes to working with a three.js project in general.
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