Playing with lines in phaser with Graphics.lineTo
I have made a post on graphics in general in phaser and as such I spent some time playing with Graphics.lineTo, and Graphics.moveTo when it comes to drawing lines in phaser. Because there is a great deal that can be done with lines, and graphics I thought that this needs a post of it’s own. This post will mostly be about use examples of lineTo in phaser ce.
1 - What to know
This is a post on making lines in phaser ce with graphics display objects. It is also possible to make graphics with the 2d canvas drawing context and then use that to make a sprite sheet as well. However Graphics might be a better option for making graphics that will update for each frame tick.
1.1 - This is a phaser 2.x post
In this post I am using the older phaser 2.x version of phaser.
2 - Getting started with lines in phaser with lineStyle, moveTo, and lineTo
To draw A line I first need to make a Graphics display object via to work with, once I have that I will want to set some style for the line so that I can see it if the background is black, because the default color for lines is also black, to do that I use Graphics.lineStyle to set the style. Then it is just a matter of using Graphics.moveTo to move to a certain point, relative to the display object position, and then use Graphics.lineTo to actually draw a line.
3 - Arrays of points
If you are thinking about something involving an array of points, you can use the lineTo method, but what I use in that case is the Graphics.drawPolygon method.
4 - Conclusion
The lineTo method might be useful in some cases, but for the most part I like to use polygon’s when it comes to working with on the fly graphics in place of external assets.